A very real feeling of weariness and fatigue is being experienced by many as a result of the never-ending saga of the Covid pandemic. No matter what your thoughts are about the actual virus, or how it has been dealt with, the restrictions that so many of us have faced since March 2020 and their on-off nature, is not surprisingly creating what some are now calling pandemic fatigue.
There are many emotions being triggered by the whole experience, and it is very understandable that a weariness of the whole situation is rearing its head for many.
But, what is there to be done? There are so many things now out of our control, that we have to focus inward to gain control over our inner environment. Not doing so will only exacerbate feelings of despair, loneliness, and hopelessness, increase instances of depression and anxiety, and perhaps even lead some to total burnout.
The physical impact is clear, and having had the virus myself, it is still taking a toll weeks after supposedly being free of it. However, the mental impact, whether you've had the virus or not, can be overwhelming. Our life is changing on a daily basis, with the government releasing updated and often drastic changes, regularly. It has created a wider awareness of issues in the world outside and within, that none of us were expecting. Realising just how much support we get from people outside of our own home, when it is taken away from us, can be devastating, and whilst there will be many benefits for us personally and in the wider world from not being out and about so much, it is challenging to see the positives when things like loneliness and boredom set in.
You know me, I love my crystals at all times. But even I, someone who uses them for pretty much everything, have discovered new ways of working with them to get me through these surreal months. Life hasn't been all sunshine and roses in the Serenity household. Health setbacks have meant that I've turned to my crystals more than ever for my own personal use, and I've been very grateful indeed to have already had that connection with them to know they were calling out to help me.
There has been a wonderful increase in subscribers to my Crystal Showcase emails, so I know that there are others who are being drawn to work with the healing vibrations of gemstones. If you've been drawn to explore working with spirit, crystals, angels, or reiki and such like, it is likely that you are being nudged to do so as a way to support you through these very unusual times when our usual forms of 'therapy' are not easily accessed.
So, if you're feeling the fatigue of the pandemic, consider the following practices as a way of getting through it a little less stressed, with a little more strength, and a much more positive mindset.
* meditation or prayer
* self-care rituals - fragranced baths, herbal infusions, quiet time for you
* journaling - explore what your feelings are at various times
* spend time outside (in accordance with current guidelines)
* cleansing your energy each week with incense or crystals
* give or receive energy healing - reiki and/or crystals
I'm sure you can think of a host of ideas on top of these simple suggestions.
Crystals for Pandemic Fatigue
Having a crystal to hand is always my first option to deal with anything. Here are a few of my top choices for dealing with various issues that may arise as a result of pandemic fatigue. Carry them with you, lay them on your body, or place them around the home to get their healing vibrations to work.
You can also meditate with any of these. Simply holding them in your hands and being quiet, away from distraction for just 5 minutes can be very effective at helping us to deal with all sorts of stress.
Angelite - for meditation, support, calm
Amethyst - for sleep, stress release, inner strength
Rose Quartz - for worry, fears, calm, to draw in happiness
Celestite - to ask for guidance, to lift your energies
Selenite - for support, mood-lifting, anxiety
Hematite - anxiety, depression, grounding, to soothe nerves
Smokey Quartz - grounding, to release negative thinking, to feel safe
Black Tourmaline - for physical pain, grounding, to feel balanced
Amazonite - for confidence, inner strength, calm
Tiger's Eye - for strength, motivation, confidence
Green Aventurine - to build energy, bring good luck, for physical pain
And don't forget, if you feel you are struggling, seek help. Crystals are amazing and they can support us through the most challenging times. However, they are not a quick fix and sometimes work better as a complementary therapy to other forms of professional help.
Lots of love to you all, and remember to be kind - to others and yourself. You're amazing. Kx
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