I love essential oils, I always have. I've had a fascination for them since I was in my teens. Whether it was a cleaning fluid or a bath salt I was buying, it was important to me to know that it had a natural product in it that would not only be added for fragrance purposes but for the amazing healing or cleaning properties it held.
One oil that has had a long-standing place in my heart is myrrh. The richness of this resin has such a profound effect on me when used in meditation or in massage, and the history of it is fascinating too. As a scarce commodity along ancient trade routes, the herb was one of the most expensive items in the world, which is probably why it was thought to have been given as a gift to Jesus at his birth, along with gold and frankincense. And did you know, it was even used in embalming formulas!
I'll not be giving advice on that, you'll be pleased to know. Rather, I wanted to share with you a few ways that you can use this amazing oil for your health, both mental and physical, and perhaps you'll find a love for it that matches my own.
The most defining property of myrrh for me is the deep sense of peace and serenity it creates, which is why I tend to turn to it when nerves are overwrought or if I've had a particularly stressful day. The sweet, smoky aroma helps to clear the mind and stimulates and relaxes the body at the same time.
To Rejuvenate
Add 3 drops each of myrrh, frankincense, and sandalwood essential oils into your oil burner or diffuser, and rejuvenate the body and mind after a stressful day, or a period of illness.
Myrrh oil has long been prized and used for many health issues, as well as in perfumes and cosmetics. It's really effective on eczema and fungal infections (athlete's foot especially) and can be beneficial for those irritating coughs and colds because of its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. During this time of Covid-19, using oil like myrrh in a vaporiser can help to reduce the risk of spreading infection.
To Disinfect
Mix 3 drops of myrrh, ravensara and thyme oils in an oils burner or diffuser in sickrooms to help reduce the risk of spreading infections.
Athlete's Foot
Blend 3 tbsp of distilled water, 1 tsp of vinegar, and 8 drops of myrrh oil in a spray bottle. Shake before use, and spray the foot and between toes after showering.
As we head into winter, which brings with it a whole range of cold and flu symptoms, the expectorant qualities of myrrh oil can help with congestion.
To Ease Congestion
Add 3 drops to a bowl of hot water. Put a towel over your head and bend over the bowl; inhale the vapours, but keep your eyes closed.
Safety First
There are, as always, things to consider before using any essential oil. Harm can be done with the wrong doses, and certain health conditions worsen with the use of specific oils.
With myrrh, it's important to avoid during pregnancy. It can cause menstruation, so miscarriage is always a risk. You can take myrrh oil internally, using measured doses, but if you're planning on using as a mouthwash to help with gum inflammation, for example, you're best using a tincture, rather than essential oil.
If you'd like more details on how to use this beautiful oil, drop me a line. As a qualified aromatherapist I am happy to offer advice about specific oils and your own personal health conditions, and help you to decide whether working with essential oils would be of benefit for you.
And if you'd like to add myrrh to your essential oil collection, you can visit the website here.